Physical Activities


Children love to fiddle with different kinds of things and we encourage them in activities where they learn to use and handle different things. We help them to utilize their physical store of energy in an optimum manner by providing them with carefully chosen play materials.

The Children Indulge in Physical Activities Like:

  • Climbing jungle gyms and stairs.
  • Throwing and catching soft balls.
  • Jumping, running, bending, etc.
  • Playing on a variety of swings and slides.

Language Development


It has been seen that it is possible for a child to pick up more than one language at a time. Since English is the medium of instruction, children pick up the language at an early age.

Language is developed through

  • Singing poems and songs (rhymes).
  • Using rhyming words.
  • Listening with understanding to stories and instruction.
  • Expressing themselves verbally by answering and asking questions.
  • Identifying, recognizing and naming people, objects, pictures and actions.
  • Discriminating visually between different objects, items and pictures.

Intellectual Development is enhanced through

  • Observation of different things and processes.
  • Experimentation.
  • Understanding animal life and plant life.
  • Classifying things by putting similar objects together.
  • Recollecting facts told earlier.
  • Reasoning and problem solving with simple 4-6 piece jumbles and jigsaw puzzles.
  • Picking up number concepts.
  • Making simple comparisons like big-small, tall-short, etc.
  • Recognizing and naming colours. Teachers take children to different places outside the school. Concepts related to the environment are taught during these outings. Teachers show things from real life and take the help of experiments to teach the tiny tots.